Here’s another round of things. Read or watch as you will.

  1. XKCD: Atom: Longtime XKCD reader, but I’m always happy to see some chemistry inclusion.

  2. Mudra Meanings: I’m currently reading a book on Buddhism. I was interested in the connections between these and Christian icons, if any.

  3. Museum of the Southeast American Indian: I’m currently working on a donation to this museum, but also spoke to the local Lumbee tribe, which recommended the connection.

  4. Hereditary Peers in the House of Lords: Britain always seems to me to be small “c” conservative, the slowest to change, the most stick to its own institutions.

  5. Learning to Be Me: This was a good story. I didn’t find it as chilling as some commenters seemed to, but it grapples with senses of self in an interesting way.

  6. Native Student Discipline: This is the kind of area where it would be excellent to see improvement, but also a certain amount of incentive to fake it, like almost any metric.

  7. Ephesus Terrace Houses: It’s been years since I was here, but I needed to remind myself of the floorplans for a writing project. The floor mosacis are worth a look if you’ve never seen them.

  8. History of Cup Stacking: This was a surprisingly deep take on a largely lost-to-history trend.

  9. Comparison of Arabic to Romance Languages: I’m not the first to consider this comparison, it seems. There’s something to it, but it’s not, it seems, the best model.

  10. Figgie Rules: This is apparently a Jane Street Training game. I’d like to find a playing partner and try it out.