2 minutes
Monday Links: 3
Here’s round 3. Ten things I read/watched/listened to last week, in chronological order:
Mr. Money Mustache: This is an old favorite I check in on periodically. It got me started commuting by bike, long ago.
Garden Snails Recipe: I used to live in an area with many, many garden snails, and always wondered about this, though this read was in response to a question comparing them to shellfish.
Fantasy Before Tolkien Tumblr: This isn’t the main work that first interested me. This person (I assume, given the uncommon name) put out a pair of Youtube videos on the history of the fantasy genre that I really enjoyed. This is their other work.
Partially Debunking Torpehnow: This is one of those slightly deeper explanations of a recurring Internet fun fact. It’s still interesting, but loses some of the humor in reality. Hopefully truth makes up for the difference.
Botanical Print Images: This is just what’s on the tin. Lovely botanical sketches. I’ve always enjoyed these.
Symbolic Chemtrails Legislation: As a former Kentuckian, it’s a waste of resources. As someone interested in belief, fascinating.
CDC Vaccination Dashboard: I hope this is still live. This was part of an effort by me to bring a little data to bear on my anecdotal observation that it’s been a bad flu season. Shouting into the void?
Varangian Saga: I’ve been listening to this a lot while working and writing. It includes folk instruments and motifs from the areas of concern, but the structure goes down really easy.
Build a Radio: This is a classic. I have some more materials to get, but I haven’t done this for a while, but would like to.
Your AI Can’t See a Gorilla: Probing at the edges of a system, using it out-of-context, these are always helpful and interesting.
300 Words
2025-02-10 17:02